More Honors (MH) is an organization of students at the American University in Bulgaria (AUBG) who use their passion for the arts to challenge the status quo. Professor Laura Kelly, who teaches Journalism and Mass Communications at AUBG, once framed More Honors as a club that "pokes fun at the human existence within the context of AUBG." We called it more of a meme film-making club.
Alis Sandalova and I were the two presidents of the club for our year. We had the responsibility of producing 11 short films, organizing weekly meetings, and leading 22 people who are also our friends. Per tradition, the club hosts a mock awards show giving students awards and anti-awards that correspond to videos projected massively behind a stage. The AUBG community votes democratically on who to nominate, and everyone but the club votes for who wins, we just provide the show.
More Honors is a democratic way to highlight the social dynamics of AUBG life. Other students votde for the awards, we just made the videos.
This is a short film about a superhero whose job is to deliver condoms to desperate students. It serves also as a sexual health promotion.
I was the editor, actor, and co-director.
This is a short film inspired by Cyrano de Bergerac's Roxane.
I was the editor.
This is a short film mocking stereotypical zombie films.
I was the co-director, director of photography, and editor.
This experimental short film was Alis's senior thesis, and we spent a whole semester shooting it. I was the DOP (director of photography) collaborating with the Director, Alis, on her vision for the right style of shooting the film. It involved 5 am shoots, reshoots, an incredible amount of problem-solving and understanding by all of the team members to shoot 'Interlude,' but I am proud of our work.
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